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Federal Government Accountability with David T. Hardy – Ep. 22

Strap in for another episode of TacticalPay Radio! This week, we’re talking about something that is important for many gun owners and enthusiasts to understand… the Federal Government accountability. More specifically, we’re discussing the Federal Tort Claims Act and how the government can circumvent the spirit of it. Brett was joined by expert David Hardy, an author, lawyer, and owner of the web site Of Arms and the Law, where his posts focus in large part on the 1st, 2nd and 14th amendment.

David has been practicing law for over 40 years, including ten years with the U.S. Department of the Interior. Hardy has also written numerous articles for legal journals and books, including the best seller Michael Moore Is a Big Fat Stupid White Man. His most recent book is I’m from the Government and I’m Here to Kill You: The True Human Cost of Official Negligence.

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Episode Highlights

  • The history of federal tort claims.
  • Whether or not President Obama’s “birth certificate controversy” had any merit at all!
  • How the federal government can be held accountable in the same way private entities are.
  • The fascinating topic of David’s next book.
  • And so much more!

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Industry Spotlight

Of Arms and the Law

It’s impossible to talk about Of Arms & the Law without first focusing on the man behind it. David Hardy is an oft-cited expert on the 1st, 2nd, and 14th Amendments. He is a prolific blogger, legal writer, and author of several books.

Hardy has served as Associate Editor of the Arizona Law Review, and was on the moot court team which took first place in the Regional competition and competed at the Nationals in New York City. He was also on the team which won the statewide American College of Trial Lawyers competition for best jury argument. Since that time, he has handled cases up to the U.S. Supreme Court, and worked in Washington at the Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, mostly representing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1982 to 1992.

His blog is called Of Arms and the Law and has archives which date back to 2005. On the blog David covers everything from the law, to firearms, to news and politics. All of it is written in a forthright, honest way that reflects David’s passionate and educated outlook on various topics.

With more than 40 years of experience in Law, David’s posts offer a unique perspective on various legal issues and events. In addition to his posts on general news items, you can also use the blog to explore his numerous Law Review Articles that cover important topics like the Firearm Owner’s Protection Act, the 2nd Amendment, the 14th amendment, and more.

TacticalPay Featured Community Organization of The Week

Each week, we select a “TacticalPay Featured Community Organization of the Week” from our listener submissions! Created to showcase a community organization that is doing important on the ground work related to the firearms community, nominees are selected by our listeners from hundreds of local clubs, shooting groups, hunting and wildlife organizations, education and advocacy organizations, and other firearms related community organizations.

We want to hear about organizations that deserve to be recognized, so if you know of a community organization that you believe is doing excellent work on behalf of the broader firearms community that you’d like to see recognized, drop us a line!

We’ve got a great one for you this week!

Hunting With Heroes – Wyoming:

This week, we are so happy to recognize Hunting With Heroes Wyoming as our Community Organization of the Week!

Put simply, their mission is to give back to our nations disabled veterans by honoring them with unique hunting, fishing and other outdoor experiences.

Hunting with Heroes offers a safe environment for fellow disabled veterans to share experiences with each other – and an opportunity to heal. They have hosted Heroes from 30 states, Heroes who have served in conflicts from Afghanistan to WWII, Heroes from 22 to 91 years old.

Led by Dan Currah, and Colton Sasser, they’ve been doing great work for over 6 years. The program continues to grow substantially, and they couldn’t be more pleased. Partnering with the Wyoming Game and Fish, dozens of other organizations including the Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation, and hundreds of volunteers, Hunting with Heroes has been able to change some lives, open some doors, have some fun, create lifelong friendships, facilitate some healing -and fill some freezers!

Huge congrats to them on their selection! If you’d like to learn more about the great work they’re doing, or even donate to the cause, be sure to connect with them online!