We’re locked and loaded for another great episode of TacticalPay Radio! This week, we were so happy to have Aaron Spuler, Founder and Executive Editor for The Weapon Blog on the show. Aaron had a bunch of awesome advice to share about growing and running a gun-focused website. Blog marketing isn’t easy, but Aaron has been able to do it successfully, so his wisdom is invaluable.
When he’s not running his blog, Aaron is an information security consultant and penetration tester by trade. Beyond that, he’s a firearms enthusiast, hunter, and recreational shooter. His passion for firearms shines through in everything he does – but especially on The Weapon Blog.

Listen To The Show
Episode Highlights
- What makes The Weapon Blog unique.
- Why Aaron uses WordPress as his platform.
- How Aaron used social media to promote his blog.
- What it takes to build and maintain a popular gun-centered blog.
- Plus much more!
Featured on the Show
- Connect with Aaron and The Weapon Blog: Twitter
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Industry Spotlight
The Weapon Blog

The Weapon Blog has been delivering great content ever since it was Founded by Aaron Spuler, an information security consultant and firearms enthusiast. Over the years, The Weapon Blog has grown and become incredibly popular in the firearms community, building followings beyond the site into social media as well… currently with over 20,000 followers on twitter alone!
The care and attention Aaron pays to his blog shines through in posts about the 2nd amendment, new gear, various happenings in the firearms community, and so much more. With so many articles to pour through though, anyone new to the blog will need to take a lot of time to get up to speed. In addition to copies of founding documents (The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Constitution of the United States), The Weapon Blog has gear reviews and links to some of the other great gun sites on the World Wide Web.
The Weapon Blog even supports great causes, currently posting a link to a fundraise for a young girl battling leukemia. There are some ads on site, but they are not intrusive and always highly relevant to people interested in firearms and self-defense. The Weapon Blog is an example of how hard work and smart online marketing can produce a great site that reaches tens of thousands of people each and every day.
TacticalPay Featured Community Organization of The Week
The “TacticalPay Featured Community Organization of the Week” was created to highlight the important on the ground work of local and community organizations in the firearm community. We select from hundreds of local gun clubs, hunting and shooting groups, advocacy and educational groups, and other firearms related organizations… to highlight the important work that the best of these organizations are accomplishing. These aren’t sponsored picks, just groups that we’ve come across in our research that have done well!
We’ve got a great one for you this week!

Gun Owners of South Carolina
This week, we’re recognizing Gun Owners of South Carolina or GOSC, a State NRA Association.
The primary purpose of their Association is to provide the citizens of South Carolina with educational endeavors in the proper use of firearms through qualified instruction in all aspects of the shooting sports, open forums, organization of local clubs, and to promote and support the legitimate ownership and use of firearms and those activities as provided under the laws of the State of South Carolina AND to identify and maintain communication with the individuals and organizations interested in promoting the purposes of their Association.
While they don’t have any big events in the near future, They have two members of the Newberry Junior Pistol Club that have qualified through competition in South Cstolina, and will be attending and competing in the Junior Olympics at Colorado Springs, Colorado on April 20-26, 2018. That’s one of the Junior Teams that belong to their organization.
GOSC supports all of the Junior Teams that are members of their organization in their efforts to train and compete in these events.
Needless to say, they’re doing great work organizing in their local community. So to the Gun Owners of South Carolina, we say, keep it up!