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Scott Wilson from the Connecticut Citizens Defense League

It’s time for another great episode of Tactical Pay Radio! This week, we were so happy to have Scott Wilson of the Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL) on the show. Scott had a wealth of information to share about gun rights, and the process of founding/growing an organization all about protecting those rights.

Scott Wilson is the co-founder and President of Connecticut’s largest gun group, the Connecticut Citizens Defense League. He’s a logistics specialist by trade, but serves as the go-to resource for Connecticut lawmakers and gun owners alike. As a testament to his knowledge of firearms safety, 2nd Amendment awareness, and firearms-related laws and bills, his non-profit organization CCDL has exponentially increased its membership in recent years.

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Episode Highlights

  • Lean why the CCDL was founded in part as a response to the 2001 September 11th attacks.
  • Scott shares experiences working with CT lawmakers around firearms.
  • Discover why a huge (and growing) percentage of gun owners in CT are members of the CCDL.
  • How to sensitively and logically have conversations following a tragic shooting.
  • Plus much more!

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Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL)

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL) was formed in 2009 by Scott Wilson. CCDL is a non-partisan, grass roots organization which advocates for the right to keep and bear arms in Connecticut. As of December 2015, they had over 20,000 members state wide!

CCDL accomplishes its goals through a strong membership base, and engaging with the state of Connecticut and other individuals and organizations. They keep track of each and every firearm law that Connecticut proposes, working to make sure legislatures consider the RKBA (right to keep and bear arms). Writing letters and making calls to legislators, speaking to the media, and being proud and responsible gun owners are all things CCDL members do to further their goals.

The CCDL maintains a strong web presence, offering advice on letter writing, legislative workshops, and updated information on laws and events around firearms in the state of Connecticut. They’re also active on social media and continue to grow in membership each and every year.

TacticalPay Featured Community Organization of The Week

The “TacticalPay Featured Community Organization of the Week” was created to highlight the important on the ground work of local and community organizations in the firearm community. We select from hundreds of local gun clubs, hunting and shooting groups, advocacy and educational groups, and other firearms related organizations… to highlight the important work that the best of these organizations are accomplishing. These aren’t sponsored picks, just groups that we’ve come across in our research that have impressed.

We’ve got another excellent pick for you this week!

Missouri Show-Me Big Bucks Club

We’re thrilled to recognize the Missouri Show-Me Big Bucks Club, or MSMBBC, which does a fantastic job organizing in their community to further their goals.

Their mission is simple… they endeavor to officially recognize Missouri trophy deer and successful hunters; to establish and maintain permanent records of trophy deer taken in Missouri; to promote interest and appreciation in Missouri deer hunting; promote sportsmanship among deer hunters, and to assist eligible members of MSMBBC in receiving national recognition from the Boone & Crockett Club, the Pope & Young Club, the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association, and other supported organizations.

They accomplish all this through outdoor shows and measuring events throughout the state of MIssouri, maintaining strong relationships with their community and national record keeping organizations.

They have one big event coming up on May 12, 2018, which is the Mid Mo Deer Measuring, Seminars n Food – 230 West Dunklin Street, Jefferson City, MO. 8AM to 4PM

So to Cthe Missouri Show-Me Big Bucks Club, we say, keep up the great work!